Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd following the worship service – so please stick around for this important day in the life of St. Peter’s!!! It will take us about 10 minutes to get set up for the meeting but for those of you joining us here at the church the Fellowship Team is providing a Coffee Hour so you can head into the Chapel and grab some snacks and some coffee while you wait. For those of you joining us online a Zoom Link was provided in the weekly email and you have a few minutes to grab your own cup of coffee and snacks before the meeting begins.
The Annual Congregational Report was attached to the weekly email as well and printed copies are available in the narthex. The line item budget and balance sheet are not included in the Annual Report but paper copies of both are available in the narthex. If aren’t here with us today but you would like to have paper copies, or you know someone who would like to receive a paper copy of the Annual Report or budget mailed please contact Lisa in the church office.
Your fellow servant in Christ,
Pastor Suloff