Sunday Worship Bulletin! 6th Sunday after Epiphany

Sunday Worship!


Join us as we celebrate and proclaim and share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live or through the Church Website.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Fastnacht Fest 2025

The Fellowship Team invites everyone to join us for Fastnacht Fest 2025 the weekend before Ash Wednesday—Saturday, March 1st and Sunday, March 2nd!

We need two teams of volunteers to make this event a success:

  • Team 1 will meet on Saturday, March 1st, at 9:00 AM to prepare the dough, which needs to rest in the refrigerator overnight.

  • Team 2 will meet on Sunday, March 2nd, at 8:30 AM to heat the oil, shape the Fastnachts, and fry them.

After Sunday’s service, the Fastnachts will be served during Coffee Hour and may also be available for purchase—(final pricing to be confirmed).

If you’d like to participate, please sign up in the Narthex to join one of the teams. If you have any questions please contact Silvia Rotenbury. We look forward to celebrating this fun and delicious tradition together!


Here at St. Peter’s we believe in sharing the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all. No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, no matter what your questions may be - you are welcome. WE WELCOME ALL. That being said we must also say….


(Our apologies to anyone who is a Kansas City Chiefs fan - we love you all too and welcome you all and hope you will come to worship because church is church but football is football - GO BIRDS!!!)

Join us for worship and then enjoy a safe and joyful Super Bowl Sunday everyone!

Have fun, be safe, join us for worship, and once again…



Souper Bowl Sunday Soup (and Chili) & Hoagie Sale!

We will once again be having our annual Hoagie & Soup Sale on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th (GO BIRDS!!!) with all proceeds going to support our Social Ministry and Children, Youth & Family efforts at St. Peter's!

If you are interested in participating or plan on making soup or chili for the sale please contact Sue Speers and if you would like to help with the Hoagie Sale please contact Matt Clark.

Soup cups are still available if you would like to make soup - you can contact either Pastor Suloff or Lisa at the church office to arrange a time to pick up soup cups. The church will be open from 10am to around 1pm on Saturday if you would like to drop your soup off early. The hoagie team will be gathering at 9am Sunday morning to begin making the hoagies in the kitchen.

Soups will be available for $5 each or 5 for $20.

 Hoagies will be available for $8 each or 4 for $25.


Sunday Morning Worship! 5th Sunda after Epiphany

Sunday Worship!



Join us as we celebrate and proclaim and share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live or through the Church Website.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Sunday Morning Worship! 4th Sunday after Epiphany

Sunday Worship!


Join us as we celebrate and proclaim and share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live or through the Church Website.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Annual Congregational Meeting February 2nd


Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd following the worship service – so please stick around for this important day in the life of St. Peter’s!!! It will take us about 10 minutes to get set up for the meeting but for those of you joining us here at the church the Fellowship Team is providing a Coffee Hour so you can head into the Chapel and grab some snacks and some coffee while you wait. For those of you joining us online a Zoom Link was provided in the weekly email and you have a few minutes to grab your own cup of coffee and snacks before the meeting begins.

The Annual Congregational Report was attached to the weekly email as well and printed copies are available in the narthex. The line item budget and balance sheet are not included in the Annual Report but paper copies of both are available in the narthex. If aren’t here with us today but you would like to have paper copies, or you know someone who would like to receive a paper copy of the Annual Report or budget mailed please contact Lisa in the church office.

Your fellow servant in Christ,

Pastor Suloff

Souper Bowl Sunday Soup & Hoagie Sale!

Souper Bowl Sunday Soup (and Chili) & HOAGIE Sale!

We will once again be having our annual Hoagie & Soup Sale on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th with all proceeds going to support our Social Ministry and Children, Youth & Family efforts at St. Peter's! If you are interested in participating or plan on making soup or chili for the sale please contact Sue Speers or use the sign up sheet that will be available in the chapel. Soup cups are available now! Soups will be available for $5 each or 5 for $20 and Hoagies will be available for $8 each or 4 for $25.

Also, GO BIRDS!!!!

Sunday Morning Worship! Baptism of our Lord Spoken Word Service

Sunday Worship!


Join us as we celebrate and proclaim and share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live or through the Church Website.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Important Boar's Head Festival and Sunday Worship Updates!

Hi St. Peter's! Hope you are all staying warm in all this cold and wind!! We have a number of items to update you on for this weekend for both worship on Sunday and the Boar's Head Festival throughout the weekend so let's get to it...

1) Sunday Morning Worship will be a Spoken Word Service - our choir and musicians do so much during a weekly basis but especially during this time of year (and always!) so we have decided to make the Sunday morning worship service a Spoken Word Service and there will be no music (these hard working folks need both a little break and an opportunity to rest their voices - singing isn't easy, it's why the Pastor doesn't do it!). We will be celebrating communion as always and the rest of the worship service will be basically the same as usual (sorry in advance for the boring sermon, can't be helped). Also, we will not be having Sunday School this coming Sunday. Both Music and Sunday School will resume next Sunday, January 19th.

2) If you would like to attend the Boar's Head Festival, or know someone who would, tickets are still available so don't hesitate - while we livestream the worship service, we do not livestream the Boar's Head Festival! A link can be found below for you to order your tickets right now.

3) For all cast, musicians, crew, and anyone else helping out with the Boar's Head Festival we ask that you please park over at the Fire station across Germantown Avenue and use the Shuttle service to come over to the church so that we have adequate parking for all of our guests this weekend.

4) For all cast, musicians, crew, and anyone else helping out with the Boar's Head Festival we ask that you please arrive for dress rehearsal by 6pm for our 7pm start and by 12pm on both Saturday and Sunday for our 1pm showtime starts so that there will be plenty of time for costuming and makeup.

5) Finally, we appreciate everyone's support in this tremendous ministry where we share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all. If you have any questions regarding any of the above items or anything else for the coming weekend please contact Pastor Suloff directly.

A Brief History of the Boar's Head Festival

A Brief History of the Boar’s Head Festival

by John Shiffert

The signature event in the St. Peter’s evangelism calendar since 1980, the Boar's Head and Yule Log Festival celebrated its 42nd renewal in January 2025. Thus, there is a lot of history to the Boar's Head at St. Peter’s, far too much for this venue. So, we’ll take a brief dive into origins.

According to the program for the fourth St. Peter’s festival (Jan. 8. Jan. 9, 1983), the original Boar’s Head dates back to Roman times, with the serving of the Boar’s Head (one would assumed a cooked boar’s head, since it was the first dish at the great Roman feasts) representing the triumph of Christ over evil, since the boar was considered a menace to man and a great evil in Norman England. (Something William the Conqueror would agree to.)

As to the first boar’s head procession, mythology tells us that a youth was walking through a forest, studying a book of Aristotle when he was attacked by a wild boar. He shoved Aristotle down the boar’s throat with the cry of “Graecum est!” Latin for “It’s Greek to me” (what Aristotle had to do with a Christian legend is a mystery). More specifically, Oxford and Cambridge universities were holding boar’s head festivals as early as the 14th Century.

Jumping ahead to January 1979, another fearless individual, St. Peter’s organist and choirmaster Robert H. “Bob” Rosenberger, flew to Palm Beach, Florida to research a festival held at an Episcopalin church there. As the “father” of St. Peter’s Boar’s Head Festival, Bob was the guiding light of a successful pageant for many years. His only disappointment with St. Peter’s festival was that they could never get permission to use a live donkey to bring the holy family on stage.

Speaking of the holy family, the program for the 1983 Boar's Head has a couple of interesting inclusions. We all know that our distinguished Church Council President, Gary Rotenbury, now fulfills the role of Joseph with heart, passion and song. However, in 1983, the role of Joseph was a non-singing role, and Gary was playing Good King Wenceslas. As for the holy family, Susan Neborak played Mary and a totally non-singing John Shiffert, Sr. played Joseph. A well-known “ham” himself, Jack Shiffert was a fine actor, but a terrible singer… lol.

Sunday Morning Worship! Epiphany of our Lord!

Sunday Worship!


Join us as we celebrate and proclaim and share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live or through the Church Website.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Support St. Peter's with RaiseRight!


RaiseRight (formerly ShopWithScrip) has been in operation at St. Peter’s since 2007. So far, the RaiseRight program has contributed $41,700.00 to St. Peter’s. This includes $2,100.00 raised in 2023. When someone buys RaiseRight cards, they pay the face value of the card and they get the face value of the card. St. Peter’s receives a percentage of that face value from RaiseRight. The customer doesn’t need to do anything except purchase the cards. The “donation” part of the process is all done behind the scenes.

Gift card purchases through RaiseRight are available in various increments. $5, $10, $25 and $100 cards are available and all amounts help pay down the church mortgage. Go to and sign up (our Enrollment Code is 84AE323B15851). If you are placing an on-line order for physical cards (e-cards are available from some retailers), please place the order by Sunday at 8:00 p.m. for pickup the following Sunday at church. Or you can place a paper order with Jane Stettler at the front door of the church before or after the service using cash or check. Please email Jane or the church office with any questions.

Boar's Head Festival 2025!


42nd Presentation of the Boar’s Head Festival

January 11 & 12, 2025

January 11th at 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm

January 12th at 1pm. and 4pm

For more information about tickets please use the button or QR code below, or to participate in the Boar’s Head Festival please contact the Church Office or use the button below. The Boar's Head Choir Rehearsal Schedule can be found on the church website.

Christmas Eve Worship!

Christmas Eve Worship!

Join us for Christmas Eve Worship! Our Family Service at 3pm (more kid-friendly, glow sticks instead of lit candles, but still all the good stuff of Christmas Eve worship) or for our Traditional Service at 8pm (candles, basically what you grew up with, a super pretty and wonderful service). We hope to worship with you in-person or online this Christmas Eve - and don’t forget to share with your friends to join us in sharing the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all!

Tuesday, December 24th

3pm - Family Christmas Eve Service

8pm - Traditional Christmas Eve Service

Sunday Morning Worship! 4th Sunday of Advent

Sunday Worship!


Join us as we celebrate and proclaim and share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live or through the Church Website.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

RaiseRight Wreath Raffle!!!

Through December 15, 2024, every time you make a $25.00 RaiseRight purchase on-line or in-person you will receive ONE raffle ticket towards winning approximately $300.00 worth of cards on the St. Peter's RaiseRight Christmas Wreath.

A drawing will be held on December 15, 2024 when the winner will be notified.  You do not need to be in attendance on December 15, 2024 to win (but you really should come to church anyways).  The more RaiseRight $25.00 purchases you make the more chances you will have to win!

So, yes, if you purchase $100.00 worth of cards you will receive 4 raffle tickets.  

Support St. Peter's with RaiseRight!

RaiseRight (formerly ShopWithScrip) has been in operation at St. Peter’s since 2007. So far, the RaiseRight program has contributed $41,700.00 to St. Peter’s. This includes $2,100.00 raised in 2023. When someone buys RaiseRight cards, they pay the face value of the card and they get the face value of the card. St. Peter’s receives a percentage of that face value from RaiseRight. The customer doesn’t need to do anything except purchase the cards. The “donation” part of the process is all done behind the scenes.

Gift card purchases through RaiseRight are available in various increments. $5, $10, $25 and $100 cards are available and all amounts help pay down the church mortgage. Go to and sign up (our Enrollment Code is 84AE323B15851). If you are placing an on-line order for physical cards (e-cards are available from some retailers), please place the order by Sunday at 8:00 p.m. for pickup the following Sunday at church. Or you can place a paper order with Jane Stettler at the front door of the church before or after the service using cash or check. Please email Jane or the church office with any questions.

Hope Lodge Dinner!

We will be serving Christmas Dinner to the guests at the Hope Lodge on Thursday, December 19th. We will begin cooking around 4 PM and serve the guests at 6 PM. We will need turkeys, hams, sides and volunteers for the dinner. A sign-up genius will be sent out in early December. Do not worry if you cannot attend on the 19th but would still like to participate. Matt Clark will be in the church parking lot on December 18th from 5 PM – 6 PM collecting donations for the dinner. The Sign-Up Genius is now available with a link included in the weekly email and can be found using the button below.

Sunday Morning Worship! 1st Sunday of Advent


Join us as we celebrate and proclaim and share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live or through the Church Website.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!