We believe that all people are created by God.

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We affirm with the apostle Paul, that in Christ "there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female" (Galatians 3:38). Christ has made us all one. In keeping with our mission to share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all people regardless of what might cause exclusion or discrimination outside of St. Peter's. In this place all are welcome.

As a community we subscribe to the Reconciling in Christ program. We affirm that all people share the worth that comes from being unique individuals created by God. All people are welcome in this community of Christ. Together we share the grace, love, and mercy of God in Christ with all people in worship, service, and life. Come as you are, as God has created you, and join with us in celebrating and sharing the Good News!

We hope that you will explore our website, see the wonderful things that are occurring among the people of God at St. Peter's, join us in worship, and join us in sharing the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with others.

Worship Services:

Sunday mornings at 8:30am and 10:00am

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Our mission as the people of God joined together in this community is sharing the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with others. We do this in worship, fellowship, service, love, and prayer. We hope that you will join us to help further the love of God within this congregation, community, and this world.

The gift of Hospitality is one of the blessings we have here at St. Peter's. It would be a rare occassion when someone comes to worship with us and say that they are not welcomed graciously. We truly enjoy being together. We often say, "If you leave on a Sunday morning not feeling better than when you arrived, something is wrong." It is not surprising when people tell me they are "church shopping" that they end up returning to St. Peter's. In keeping with our mission statement to share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with others, we have to naturally be welcoming.

A website is frequently the place where people make their first visit to a congregation. We welcome you to explore our site and learn as much as you can about the mission and ministry of St. Peter's. However, technology is not able to fully reflect the personal nature of a congregation. Feel free to give us a call, stop by for a visit, or zip off an email just to say "Hi." Since, through the grace of God, we will be spending Eternity together, let's not wait until then to get to know one another. We look forward to meeting you.

Graciously Yours,

Rev. Jonathan Suloff and Rev. Christian McMullan




Architecture by TAKT.