Sunday Morning Worship! 4th Sunday of Easter

Join us for worship this Sunday, April 30th for the Fourth Sunday of Easter! Join us for worship as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and as we share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live!

Continuing this Sunday, we will be sharing communion in the front of the sanctuary while also having individual communion cups available for anyone who wishes to remain in their pew, and we will also begin passing the offering plate during worship. If you would like to help serve as a greeter, communion assistant or with the offering please contact Pastor Suloff.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Faith Formation - Week of April 30th!


This Sunday we will have in person Sunday School during the worship service and will learn about Early Believers! (kids will be dismissed following the Children's Message)

We are currently working to restructure the in-person Sunday School program at St. Peter's. We are hoping to be able to continue Sunday morning classes, during the worship service, but we need additional volunteers willing to help - if you are willing to help teach Sunday School, please contact Pastor Suloff or Sam Swetkowski.

Confirmation Class!

Confirmation Class meets again this Sunday following the worship service. We will meet down in the Youth Room this week. Confirmation Sunday for 8th graders will be held on May 21st this year during worship. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Suloff.

Women's Bible Study!

Women's Bible Study continues this week, Monday at 7pm on Zoom, as they will be discussing the chapter 3: Living with Depth; Finding God in All Things from the book Seeing with the Heart by Kevin O'Brien. This is the third week but IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!! Each week we will continue discussing chapters as we make our way through the book. If you have thought about joining our Women's Bible Study, now is the perfect time! Please reach out to Stephanie Freidly with any questions about this book or WBS in general. 

Volunteer at St. Peter's!

We Need Help After Worship THIS Sunday!

Our new Audio/Visual System is coming very soon and we need some help after worship tomorrow, April 30!

To install all the various parts of the new system we need to move the pews currently located underneath the organ pipes out of the sanctuary and we are looking for a few folks who are willing to stay for a little while after the service to help with this project. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Suloff.

We are looking for people to help out everywhere!!!

We are looking for folks to help out as Worship Assistants, to help lead us in song as part of the choir or as an instrumentalist, to help with Finance, Property, Worship & Music, Sunday School, Cemetery Care, Social Ministry, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Prayer Team, our Audio/Visual elements on Sunday morning, and pretty much anything else you can think of! If you are willing to help serve as a Communion Assistant, Usher, or Greeter please use the link below or use the sign-up available in the church narthex. If you are interested in helping with any of our ministries please contact Pastor Suloff. Don't worry, you're not signing up for a lifetime or a bunch of long meetings, just a willingness to help out when you can, where you can, in a place you are passionate about!

Sunday School! April 23rd!


This Sunday we will have in person Sunday School during the worship service and will learn about The Road to Emmaus! (kids will be dismissed following the Children’s Message)

We are currently working to restructure the in-person Sunday School program at St. Peter's. We are hoping to be able to continue Sunday morning classes, during the worship service, but we need additional volunteers willing to help - if you are willing to help teach Sunday School, please contact Pastor Suloff or Sam Swetkowski.

Sunday Morning Worship! Third Sunday of Easter


Continuing this Sunday, we will be sharing communion in the front of the sanctuary while also having individual communion cups available for anyone who wishes to remain in their pew, and we will also begin passing the offering plate during worship. If you would like to help serve as a greeter, communion assistant or with the offering please contact Pastor Suloff.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Sunday Morning Worship! 2nd Sunday of Easter

Join us for worship this Sunday, April 16th for the Second Sunday of Easter! Join us for worship as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and as we share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live!

Continuing this Sunday, we will be sharing communion in the front of the sanctuary while also having individual communion cups available for anyone who wishes to remain in their pew, and we will also begin passing the offering plate during worship. If you would like to help serve as a greeter, communion assistant or with the offering please contact Pastor Suloff.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Sunday School! April 16th!!!


This Sunday we will have in person Sunday School during the worship service and will learn about Doubting Thomas! (kids will be dismissed following the baptism)

We are currently working to restructure the in-person Sunday School program at St. Peter's. We are hoping to be able to continue Sunday morning classes, during the worship service, but we need additional volunteers willing to help - if you are willing to help teach Sunday School, please contact Pastor Suloff or Sam Swetkowski.

Women's Bible Study! New Book Starts THIS WEEK!

Women's Bible Study!

Starting this Monday, April 17th at 7:30pm on Zoom, our Women's Bible Study will be discussing the book Seeing with the Heart by Kevin O'Brien. This first week we will start by discussing Chapter 1: Living with Purpose. Each week we will continue discussing chapters as we make our way through the book. If you have thought about joining our Women's Bible Study, now is the perfect time! Please reach out to Stephanie Freidly with any questions about this book or WBS in general. 

Easter Sunday Worship! April 9

Easter Sunday Worship!

Join us for worship this Sunday, April 9th for Easter Sunday! Join us for worship as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and a we share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live!

Continuing this Sunday, we will be sharing communion in the front of the sanctuary while also having individual communion cups available for anyone who wishes to remain in their pew, and we will also begin passing the offering plate during worship. If you would like to help serve as a greeter, communion assistant or with the offering please contact Pastor Suloff.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Palm Sunday Worship! April 2


Join us for worship this Sunday, April 2nd for the Palm Sunday Worship! Join us for worship as we share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live!

Continuing this Sunday, we will be sharing communion in the front of the sanctuary while also having individual communion cups available for anyone who wishes to remain in their pew, and we will also begin passing the offering plate during worship. If you would like to help serve as a greeter, communion assistant or with the offering please contact Pastor Suloff.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Spring Potluck Brunch! THIS SUNDAY!!

Spring Potluck Brunch!

After being cooped up all winter let's get together for a Spring Potluck Brunch and catch up with everyone! Our last Potluck was so much fun and successful, what could be a better way to spend a little time after worship?!? Let's do it again THIS Sunday, March 26th!

A link for Signup Genius can be found using the button below if you'd like to bring anything (but you don't have to bring anything, just show up and have some fun with your church family if you'd like!!). If you have any questions, please contact Gary and Silvia Rotenbury. Let's get together to worship, and then eat and catch up with one another, and also to just have some fun as a great community on March 26 after worship!

Sunday Morning Worship! 5th Sunday in Lent

Sunday Morning Worship!

Join us for worship this Sunday, March 26th for the Fifth Sunday in Lent! Join us for worship as we share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live!

Continuing this Sunday, we will be sharing communion in the front of the sanctuary while also having individual communion cups available for anyone who wishes to remain in their pew, and we will also begin passing the offering plate during worship. If you would like to help serve as a greeter, communion assistant or with the offering please contact Pastor Suloff.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!

Sunday School! March 26


This Sunday we will have in person Sunday School during the worship service and will learn about Lazarus! (kids will be dismissed following the Children's Message)

We are currently working to restructure the in-person Sunday School program at St. Peter's. We are hoping to be able to continue Sunday morning classes, during the worship service, but we need additional volunteers willing to help - if you are willing to help teach Sunday School, please contact Pastor Suloff or Sam Swetkowski.

Spring Potluck Brunch!


After being cooped up all winter let's get together for a Spring Potluck Brunch and catch up with everyone! Our last Potluck was so much fun and successful, what could be a better way to spend a little time after worship?!? Let's do it again on Sunday, March 26th!

A link for Signup Genius can be found using the button below and a sign-up sheet will be available in the narthex within the next week. If you have any questions, please contact Gary and Silvia Rotenbury. Let's get together to worship, and then eat and catch up with one another, and also to just have some fun as a great community on March 26 after worship!

Sunday School! March 19



This Sunday we will have in person Sunday School during the worship service and will learn about The Pool of Siloam! (kids will be dismissed following the Children's Message)

We are currently working to restructure the in-person Sunday School program at St. Peter's. We are hoping to be able to continue Sunday morning classes, during the worship service, but we need additional volunteers willing to help - if you are willing to help teach Sunday School, please contact Pastor Suloff or Sam Swetkowski.

Sunday Morning Worship! 4th Sunday in Lent

Join us for Sunday for worship in person or online at 10am!!!

Join us for worship this Sunday, March 19th for the Fourth Sunday in Lent! Join us for worship as we share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all at 10am in person and on Facebook Live!

Continuing this Sunday, we will be sharing communion in the front of the sanctuary while also having individual communion cups available for anyone who wishes to remain in their pew, and we will also begin passing the offering plate during worship. If you would like to help serve as a greeter, communion assistant or with the offering please contact Pastor Suloff.

The worship bulletin can be found by clicking below. Don't forget to share with your friends and comment during the service - it is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do!