We will be continuing our Outdoor Worship Services in the church parking lot Saturday, September 12 at 5pm! (Weather Permitting). Bring your own Communion Elements! You will be able to hear the service audio through the FM radio so you may choose to stay in your car or you may exit your vehicle and sit directly in front or behind your car while wearing a mask. Cars will be asked to park in every other spot to ensure social distancing. Additional information is available in the newsletter. We look forward to taking this next step to bringing our community together safely! If we need to cancel due to bad weather we will make an announcement on the website, Facebook, and via email by 12pm Saturday. Please note that there will be no Outdoor Worship Service on Saturday, September 19th - we will resume our Outdoor Worship Services on Saturday, September 26th.
Outdoor Worship Services Policies and Procedures
These guidelines were created by St. Peter’s “Re-open Safely” Team and approved by Church Council.
· Outdoor worship services will be held when Montgomery County and Philadelphia County are in “GREEN” status and when the church is equipped with the technology to effectively conduct outdoor worship services.
· Each driver of a car will be asked to park every other parking spot apart in the church parking lot. An exception to this guideline is for large family groups (5 or more people) in which case two empty parking spaces should be left between cars. The worship service audio will be shared through an FM transmitter so that it can be broadcast through a car radio or a handheld radio. This will allow participants to maintain safe distancing and will allow participants to remain in their cars if they choose. Worship service bulletins will be shared via e-mail and on the church website for participants to print at home and bring with them or access on various electronic devices.
· Participants will be permitted to exit their cars for the worship services and sit outdoors on lawn chairs near their car tailgates. All participants will be asked to remain near their vehicles (no wandering through the parking lot).
· All participants will be required to wear masks when outside of their vehicles.
· All participants will maintain proper social distancing of at least 6 feet between non-family members.
· Bathrooms will be accessible during outdoor worship services. Participants will be asked to enter the open red front church door, follow the signage to the restrooms, and exit the building through the glass side office door. Proper social distancing will be maintained.
· Hand sanitizer stations will be available near the restrooms.
· Clorox wipes will be available in the restrooms for individuals to use for surface cleaning as needed.
· Individuals over 65 years old and those with pre-existing conditions are encouraged to continue to shelter in place and utilize online resources.
· All individuals who do not feel well are asked to remain at home.
If you begin to feel ill at any point after attending a worship service please contact the church or the Pastor immediately.