Happy Friday St. Peter's!

Happy Friday St. Peter's!

We may be socially distanced but we are united in the Spirit! As you will quickly see there is a whole lot of stuff going on at St. Peter’s so let’s just get right to it…

1.     Online Worship: Yes, it is weird. Yes, we would all like to be gathered together at St. Peter’s on Sunday morning to celebrate the Risen Christ. No, we will not be gathering in person. We will be streaming our worship online once again on Facebook Live at 10am this Sunday and then placing a link to the service recording on the church website later in the day – we hope that you’ll join us for this new way to worship! The best way that we can love and serve our neighbors as Christ calls us to do is by maintaining social distancing and being safe, even if it means doing things in a new and different way this year – so join our livestream or watch the recording when we post it to the church website and join us – we may be separated by distance but we are gathered together by the Holy Spirit no matter where we are! The worship bulletin for Sunday can also be viewed by clicking RIGHT HERE and is also attached to the end of this email. We will be using a new camera again tomorrow which we have tested but please hang in there with us if we have any minor technical difficulties. Finally, if you have friends who are not “online” much please reach out to them and offer help so that they can join our worship services and don’t forget to invite all your friends!

2.     SHARE! Don’t forget to share our worship services and upcoming events (and past events) with your friends! One of the most amazing things that has happened over the last few weeks is how we have reached people near and far – we have had local members unable to attend worship joining us for worship in this new way and we have had friends and family and people we don’t even know joining us for worship and other events from places like Connecticut, Missouri, Georgia, Oregon, California, and Indiana. This is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do – share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ – and what we are doing at St. Peter’s – with everyone you know! Can we get to 1,000 views of our services? Share with your friends, invite your friends, and let’s find out!!

3.     Need help viewing our live events? Are you having trouble viewing our worship services in real time on FaceBook Live or having trouble joining our Facebook Live chats? Never fear, thanks to Chrissy Waldron we have a handy tutorial here to help you easily access both our live events and, if you need, get on Facebook. Thanks Chrissy! You can find the tutorial RIGHT HERE.

4.     Celebrating Communion: We will be celebrating Communion during all of our worship services moving forward. All you will need is some bread, crackers, chips, anything of the like and a glass of wine, juice, water, or anything of the like. I spoke about celebrating Communion during the Maundy Thursday worship service (a recording is available in the STP News section of the website) and if you have any questions about celebrating Communion remotely please do not hesitate to contact me directly at revsuloff@gmail.com.

5.     Bell Ringing for Thanks! One of our members shared THIS ARTICLE with us which is about giving a sign of thanks to those who are on the front lines of the current Covid-19 crisis. “Residents are encouraged to set their alarms for 7 p.m. and to go outside ring any kind of bell, bang pots and pans, sing, or use any kind of noisemaker they have.” We will join this effort to say a heartfelt word of thanks to all those who are working so hard to keep our community, nation, and world safe by ringing the St. Peter’s church bell at 7pm on Sunday.

6.     Something New! What happens when the Pastor gets bored during this time of social distancing? He talks to people and records the conversations! Join us as we take some time to learn about, and hear the stories of, the people of St. Peter’s and our friends beyond. In our first installment we hear from St. Peter’s Church Council President, Matt Clark. You can view the video RIGHT HERE! We hope to share our next conversation this coming week!

7.     St. Peter’s Music! While we may be separated by distance our wonderful Music Director, Sam Tarasenko, and our Audio Wizard, Bob Dungay have found a way to bring together the voices of our wonderful choir members! We have uploaded the first two pieces that the choir sang, and will continue to upload future hymns and anthems, to the Music Ministry page of the church website. A huge work of thanks to Sam, Bob, our fantastic choir members, and to Andrew Kammerle for accompanying!

8.     Prayer Shawl Ministry: The Prayer Shawl Ministry is participating in COVID-19 efforts by making facemasks. They are also knitting or crocheting palm-sized hearts for Lankenau Medical Center. The hearts are used for dying patients and their families. A heart is placed in the hand of the dying patient, and a matching heart is given to the family. They will use these hearts at Lankenau and the other hospitals in the Main Line Health system. They are also talking about making a memorial with these hearts at some point in the future. Anyone who can knit, crochet or sew is invited to join in these projects. We do have fabric, elastic, and yarn available, but we could also use donations of any of these supplies. If you are interested in helping make these items or in donating supplies, contact Celeste Chamberlain at celcham@comcast.net.  

9.     Zoom Meetings: If you would like to participate in any of our Zoom meetings the meeting information is on the church website in the “Member Access” section. If you are not a member of St. Peter’s but would like to participate in one of our Zoom Meetings please contact Pastor Suloff.

10.  Children’s Zoom Chats! SPY has been gathering on Zoom weekly to check in, talk, laugh, and mainly act goofy with one another and we would like to provide a time for our younger children to do this as well. We would like to schedule a time for Zoom chats for our 3rd through 6th graders and for 2nd grade and younger. With various school schedules, family schedules, work schedules, and the busy St. Peter’s online schedule we are trying to determine what times would work best for our families – if your child is interested in participating please email Pastor Suloff with your thoughts. We will host our first Zoom Children’s Chats this Sunday, April 19th with 3rd through 6th graders at 1pm and 2nd grade and younger at 2pm and then we will adjust times and dates accordingly based on family feedback. The meeting ID is posted on the church website in the Member Access section.

11.  Women's Bible Study: Last week we had a wonderful WBS meeting discussing Chapter 1 of the book "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life" by Joanna Weaver. We will be discussing Chapter 2 at our next meeting, Monday, May 4th at 8:00pm. If you can't get the book in time or just don't get a chance to read it by Monday, please still feel free to join us for a great time of fellowship and faith formation with some lovely ladies! Quirk for the week - Wear a necklace. If you have any questions about the WBS please contact Stephanie Freidly (stephanie.freidly@gmail.com) or Chrissy Waldron (christin.waldron@gmail.com). The Zoom meeting numbers are in the Members Access section of the website.

12.  Tuesday Bible Study and Discussion: We will be starting a Bible Study this week on Zoom at 12:30pm and 7:30pm. This week we will spend a little time discussing the Old Testament! Join us during this time to ask questions, share ideas, and explore your faith! If you have any questions about the Bible Study please contact Pastor Suloff. The meeting ID is posted on the church website in the Member Access section.

13.  Facebook Live Chat – Ask The Pastor Anything!: On Thursday I will once again be hosting a live chat on Facebook Live to “Ask the Pastor Anything!” at 7:30pm. During this time I will field as many questions as I can and if I don’t have the answer to your question I’ll work on finding it and sharing it the following week. I look forward to seeing you all again during this fun and weird way to have a chat!

14.  Confirmation Class! Due to the Coronavirus pandemic we obviously have not held our Confirmation Classes in quite some time but that is about to change! Confirmation classes continue next Sunday, May 10th at 12:00pm on Zoom. The meeting ID will is posted on the church website in the Member Access section. If you have any questions about Confirmation please contact Pastor Suloff.

15.  Show Us How You Worship! We’ve been watching our St. Peter’s Services live on Facebook for six weeks already and we want to see how you are worshiping! Are you cuddled up on the couch with your laptop on the ottoman? Are you seated at your kitchen table with breakfast? Are you on your deck with coffee watching on your phone? We want to see! Snap a picture and send it to stplafayettehillimages@gmail.com to be added to our password protected Member Access area of our website. Or you can share it right to the St. Peter’s Facebook page! However you get it to us, we want you to Show Us How You Worship!

16.  Help Us Help You! Relying on technology to connect and worship certainly has had it’s hardships. St. Peter’s wants to help you get the most out of this distancing experience by providing some instruction on a few of the more common ways we can connect and support our church. We will be creating “how to” guides for online activities like, How to Share the Facebook Live, Ordering SCRIP Online, How to Join a Zoom Meeting, Making an Online Donation, Adding St. Peter’s as your SmileAmazon recipient. Here’s where we need your help: What would you like to learn? Reply to this email with your topic suggestions and what you want to learn. If you’re tech-savvy and can help make a guide, please reach out to christin.waldron@gmail.com.

17.  The St. Peter’s Nursery School Art Show! Each year, we raise money for families who are meeting the challenges that come with raising a child with autism. Yes, it’s true, every one of our children need support, guidance, instruction, and love. Children with autism need the same; and so much more. Yes, there are resources and help available BUT it costs money! Our Art for Autism show helps raise the money, every year, needed to pay for those services & resources! The pandemic has kept us from being in school! It has kept us from decorating the Gym! BUT we have decided to raise money anyway!!! We can still raise the money needed to help St. Peter’s families!! We have decided to go ahead with our Art for Autism show! We WILL raise money for autism!! We will also have an ART SHOW! Yes, it will be different. It will be smaller but filled with creativity. May 5th will be our Art Show date and our children will decorate but it will be OUTSIDE!!


St. Peter’s Lutheran Church will be decorated with FLAGS! We are going to decorate flags to post in front of the church to have an outdoor Art Show!! Drive by on May 5th and see the flags decorating the front of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church!! Go to our GoFundMe page and help us raise money for our families!!! 100% of all money raised will go directly to families from St. Peter’s!! Please consider making a donation!

18.  Online Giving and Offering: During this time we know that many are struggling and we certainly understand that but if you are able to continue with your offering please either mail your offering envelopes to the church or consider using our ONLINE GIVING option on the website – it is a quick and easy way to share your gifts with the congregation.

19.  SCRIP and Caring for the Community: As said, we know that many are struggling or will be struggling. SCRIP is a great way to support the church and help your neighbors at the same time – one of the best ways that we can help our community right now is by donating gift cards from Weis or Giant to the church so that we can distribute them to folks in needs either within our community or through the Colonial Neighborhood Council and other Social Ministry organizations. SCRIP is easy! You can increase what you give to the church by buying these cards for your daily expenses and help out your neighbors by donating cards. Groceries, gas, Home Depot, Target, Ace Hardware Stores, Amazon purchases, etc. To place orders for Scrip online go to www.ShopWithScrip.com and click “Join A Program.” Our Enrollment Code is:  DDA6EF5815851. Our Organization is: St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. Our Coordinator is: Jane Stettler, (610) 316-3350, jstettler@krautharris.com. If you order cards for either personal use or donate we will be in touch with you to coordinate a safe way for you to pick up your cards.

20.  Finance Update from our Church Treasurer: Hope you are all well and safely socially distanced. We look forward to a time when we can congregate together again. While the church office has been working on a limited schedule, the Church Council and the Executive Council have been busy.

Congregational Giving: We were doing ok until the government shutdown but March was a tough month, for obvious reasons. We usually see a nice increase in giving during our Easter month, but given the current situation, our giving in March was off $14k, or a 40% drop from our budgeted amount. We did receive envelopes, which were mailed. And we saw a nice increase in our Vanco online giving. Thank you to all who took the extra steps to give as we continue to worship remotely. A nice surprise, we received $517 in visitor offering. Perhaps the Facebook Live services are expanding our Evangelism. Nice!

Weekday Nursery School 1: We have some challenges with the WNS. Soon after shutting down the school, Debbie Graham requested that we continue to pay our teachers through the end of the year, despite the school being shut. The Church Council voted and we agreed to continue paying them. We all believe it is the right thing to do.

Weekday Nursery School 2: Our WNS families are required to pay the first month and the last month tuition at the beginning of the school year. As a result, we will have to refund tuition for May, which will further strain the WNS bank accounts. Despite that, their accounts are healthy and we will be fine.

CARES Act: Two weeks ago, Congress passed the CARES Act to provide relief to small businesses. Charities and churches were included in the legislation. One piece of the CARES Act is the Payroll Protection Plan, a loan that can be used to cover payroll costs. St. Peters has applied for and should be granted this loan. The loan amount, if used to pay employees, is forgiven by the government. Executive Council believes this opportunity was too good to pass up. We are very happy we have been approved and are awaiting final documents to close on the loan.

Mortgage Loan: With interest rates plummeting, we investigated whether to refinance our mortgage to obtain a lower rate. To date, our rate is lower than the current lending rate so refinancing is not warranted.

Long-term Investments: Our investments took a substantial hit when the markets reacted to the government shutdown. Thankfully, we had taken some steps a month ago to move more money into cash and cash equivalents to give us quicker access to funds. We hope we can continue to pay all our bills without having to touch our long-term investments and, in time, they will rebound to pre-virus levels. We continue to monitor and will take steps as needed to protect our positions.

21.  Elastic Needed: There are volunteers throughout the community who are working to make masks during this time for various places that need them but elastic is in short supply – if you have new elastic in your sewing box that you can donate to help this cause please contact Pastor Suloff directly at revsuloff@gmail.com.

22.  Church Office: Our church office will continue to function but it will obviously look very different for the time being as we are all going to be working remotely whenever it is possible. We will be going to the church periodically to check the mail, take care of administrative tasks that must be handled in the building, and update records. If you have a need during this time please do not hesitate to contact me directly on my cell phone or by email.

23.  Check-ins: We ask all the people of St. Peter’s to check in with one another during this time – if you have time please call or email your friends and neighbors, the person who always sits in front on you at church, or someone whose name just pops into your head. If you are aware of any needs within our community please let me know directly. During this difficult time it is of the utmost importance that we communicate with one another and take care of one another as best we can.

24.  Ideas: This is a new and different time for all of us – our church, community, nation, and world all must learn to do things differently – if you have any ideas for how we might better share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ please let me know!

25.  Prayer: Look, we all feel kind of helpless right now and it is difficult – we can, and should, be socially distant during this difficult time. We can also pray because, quite frankly, that is what we do. Our prayer list is attached to the end of this email and I would encourage you all to find a bit of time each day to pray – for our families, our communities, our doctors, our nurses, all those who serve the world during this time, and for our world. We may be separated by distance but we can be united in prayer.

While our physical gathering spaces may be closed we are still brought together in new ways of worship and ministry! We hope that you will join us for online worship this Sunday, for one of our many Zoom meetings, and for our “Ask the Pastor Anything” session. Spend a little time on the church website exploring everything that is going on, check in with your neighbors, support our ministries if you are able, share your knitting and sewing skills with those in need, pray without ceasing, and as always, keep sharing the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all!

Tuesday Bible Studies on Zoom

Tuesday, April 21 Bible Study Discussion Group - a discussion and exploration of the lessons from Sunday, April 19

Scripture Readings from Sunday, April 19

First Reading: Acts 2:14a, 22-32

After the Holy Spirit comes to the apostles on Pentecost, Peter preaches the gospel to the gathered crowd. He tells them that Jesus, who obediently went to his death according to God’s plan, was raised from the dead by God. Finally, he appeals to scripture, quoting Psalm 16:8-11, to show that Jesus is the Messiah: though crucified, the risen Jesus is now enthroned.

14aPeter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed [the crowd], 22“You that are Israelites, listen to what I have to say: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with deeds of power, wonders, and signs that God did through him among you, as you yourselves know—23this man, handed over to you according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of those outside the law. 24But God raised him up, having freed him from death, because it was impossible for him to be held in its power. 25For David says concerning him,
 ‘I saw the Lord always before me,
  for he is at my right hand so that I will not be shaken;
 26therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced;
  moreover my flesh will live in hope.
 27For you will not abandon my soul to Hades,
  or let your Holy One experience corruption.
 28You have made known to me the ways of life;
  you will make me full of gladness with your presence.’
  29“Fellow Israelites, I may say to you confidently of our ancestor David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. 30Since he was a prophet, he knew that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would put one of his descendants on his throne. 31Foreseeing this, David spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, saying,
 ‘He was not abandoned to Hades,
  nor did his flesh experience corruption.’
32This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses.”

Psalm: Psalm 16

In your presence there is fullness of joy. (Ps. 16:11)

1Protect me, O God, for I take ref- | uge in you;
  I have said to the Lord, “You are my Lord, my good a- | bove all other.”
 2All my delight is in the godly that are | in the land,
  upon those who are noble a- | mong the people.
 3But those who run after | other gods
  shall have their troubles | multiplied.
 4I will not pour out drink offerings | to such gods,
  never take their names up- | on my lips. R
 5O Lord, you are my portion | and my cup;
  it is you who up- | hold my lot.
 6My boundaries enclose a | pleasant land;
  indeed, I have a | rich inheritance.
 7I will bless the Lord who | gives me counsel;
  my heart teaches me night | after night.
 8I have set the Lord al- | ways before me;
  because God is at my right hand, I shall | not be shaken. R
 9My heart, therefore, is glad, and my spir- | it rejoices;
  my body also shall | rest in hope.
 10For you will not abandon me | to the grave,
  nor let your holy one | see the pit.
 11You will show me the | path of life;
  in your presence there is fullness of joy, and in your right hand are pleasures for- | evermore. R

Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9

This epistle was written to encourage Christians experiencing hardships and suffering because of their faith in Christ. The letter opens by blessing God for the living hope we have through Christ’s resurrection even amid difficult circumstances and surroundings.

3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, 5who are being protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6In this you rejoice, even if now for a little while you have had to suffer various trials, 7so that the genuineness of your faith—being more precious than gold that, though perishable, is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, 9for you are receiving the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

Gospel: John 20:19-31

The risen Jesus appears to his disciples, offering them a benediction, a commission, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. But one of their number is missing, and his unbelief prompts another visit from the Lord.

19When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 20After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 22When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
  24But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 25So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”
  26A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 27Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” 28Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”
  30Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. 31But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.

Happy Friday St. Peter's!

Happy Friday St. Peter's!

While we may be socially distanced we are bound together in the Holy Spirit! Even though things are closed we are busy as always with some new online events coming this week so let’s get right to it…

1.     Online Worship: Yes, it is weird. Yes, we would all like to be gathered together at St. Peter’s on Sunday morning to celebrate the Risen Christ. No, we will not be gathering in person. We will be streaming our worship online once again on Facebook Live at 10am this Sunday and then placing a link to the service recording on the church website later in the day – we hope that you’ll join us for this new way to worship! The best way that we can love and serve our neighbors as Christ calls us to do is by maintaining social distancing and being safe, even if it means doing things in a new and different way this year – so join our livestream or watch the recording when we post it to the church website and join us – we may be separated by distance but we are gathered together by the Holy Spirit no matter where we are! The worship bulletin for Sunday can also be viewed by clicking RIGHT HERE and is also attached to the end of this email. Finally, if you have friends who are not “online” much please reach out to them and offer help so that they can join our worship services and don’t forget to invite all your friends!

2.     SHARE! Don’t forget to share our worship services and upcoming events (and past events) with your friends! One of the most amazing things that has happened over the last few weeks is how we have reached people near and far – we have had local members unable to attend worship joining us for worship in this new way and we have had friends and family and people we don’t even know joining us for worship and other events from places like Connecticut, Missouri, Georgia, Oregon, California, and Indiana. This is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do – share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ – and what we are doing at St. Peter’s – with everyone you know! Can we get to 1,000 views of our services? Share with your friends, invite your friends, and let’s find out!!

3.     Need help viewing our live events? Are you having trouble viewing our worship services in real time on FaceBook Live or having trouble joining our Facebook Live chats? Never fear, thanks to Chrissy Waldron we have a handy tutorial here to help you easily access both our live events and, if you need, get on Facebook. Thanks Chrissy! You can find the tutorial RIGHT HERE.

4.     Celebrating Communion: We will be celebrating Communion during all of our worship services moving forward. All you will need is some bread, crackers, chips, anything of the like and a glass of wine, juice, water, or anything of the like. I spoke about celebrating Communion during the Maundy Thursday worship service (a recording is available in the STP News section of the website) and if you have any questions about celebrating Communion remotely please do not hesitate to contact me directly at revsuloff@gmail.com.

5.     Women's Bible Study Group: Calling all ladies! We'd like to start an online women's bible study group. The group will meet on Monday's at 7:30pm through Zoom starting this coming Monday - April 20th. We will have information to join the Zoom meeting posted on the website soon. We are planning to start our study by focusing on women in the bible. We have a few books in mind already, but if you have a book or have a particular woman in the bible you are interested in, please come with that to our first meeting on Monday! For now, this will just be an online group, but we're hoping, once restrictions are lifted, this group will continue both online and every so often get together in person. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Stephanie Freidly (stephanie.freidly@gmail.com). We hope to 'see' you Monday!

6.     Tuesday Bible Study and Discussion: We will be starting a Bible Study this week on Zoom at 12:30pm and 7:30pm where we will explore and discuss the Scripture readings from the previous Sunday. Join us during this time to ask questions, share ideas, and explore your faith! If you have any questions about the Bible Study please contact Pastor Suloff. The Zoom meeting numbers will be posted on the church website by Monday afternoon.

7.     Children’s Zoom Chats! SPY has been gathering on Zoom weekly to check in, talk, laugh, and mainly act goofy with one another and we would like to provide a time for our younger children to do this as well. We would like to schedule a time for Zoom chats for our 3rd through 6th graders and for 2nd grade and younger. With various school schedules, family schedules, work schedules, and the busy St. Peter’s online schedule we are trying to determine what times would work best for our families – if your child is interested in participating please email Pastor Suloff with your thoughts. We will host our first Zoom Children’s Chats this Sunday, April 19th with 3rd through 6th graders at 1pm and 2nd grade and younger at 2pm and then we will adjust times and dates accordingly based on family feedback. The Meeting ID for the Zoom chats will be posted on the church website by Saturday afternoon.

8.     Confirmation Class will return! Due to the Coronavirus pandemic we obviously have not held our Confirmation Classes in quite some time but that is about to change! Confirmation classes will return next Sunday, April 26th at 12:30pm on Zoom. The meeting ID will be posted on the church website by Saturday, April 25th. If you have any questions about Confirmation please contact Pastor Suloff.

9.  The St. Peter’s Nursery School Art Show! Each year, we raise money for families who are meeting the challenges that come with raising a child with autism. Yes, it’s true, every one of our children need support, guidance, instruction, and love. Children with autism need the same; and so much more. Yes, there are resources and help available BUT it costs money! Our Art for Autism show helps raise the money, every year, needed to pay for those services & resources! The pandemic has kept us from being in school! It has kept us from decorating the Gym! BUT we have decided to raise money anyway!!! We can still raise the money needed to help St. Peter’s families!! We have decided to go ahead with our Art for Autism show! We WILL raise money for autism!! We will also have an ART SHOW! Yes, it will be different. It will be smaller but filled with creativity. May 5th will be our Art Show date and our children will decorate but it will be OUTSIDE!!


St. Peter’s Lutheran Church will be decorated with FLAGS! We are going to decorate flags to post in front of the church to have an outdoor Art Show!! Drive by on May 5th and see the flags decorating the front of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church!! Go to our GoFundMe page and help us raise money for our families!!! 100% of all money raised will go directly to families from St. Peter’s!! Please consider making a donation!

10.  Facebook Live Chat – Ask The Pastor Anything!: On Thursday I will once again be hosting a live chat on Facebook Live to “Ask the Pastor Anything!” at 7:30pm. During this time I will field as many questions as I can and if I don’t have the answer to your question I’ll work on finding it and sharing it the following week. I look forward to seeing you all again during this fun and weird way to have a chat!

11.  Online Giving and Offering: During this time we know that many are struggling and we certainly understand that but if you are able to continue with your offering please either mail your offering envelopes to the church or consider using our ONLINE GIVING option on the website – it is a quick and easy way to share your gifts with the congregation.

12.  SCRIP and Caring for the Community: As said, we know that many are struggling or will be struggling. SCRIP is a great way to support the church and help your neighbors at the same time – one of the best ways that we can help our community right now is by donating gift cards from Weis or Giant to the church so that we can distribute them to folks in needs either within our community or through the Colonial Neighborhood Council and other Social Ministry organizations. SCRIP is easy! You can increase what you give to the church by buying these cards for your daily expenses and help out your neighbors by donating cards. Groceries, gas, Home Depot, Target, Ace Hardware Stores, Amazon purchases, etc. To place orders for Scrip online go to www.ShopWithScrip.com and click “Join A Program.” Our Enrollment Code is:  DDA6EF5815851. Our Organization is: St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. Our Coordinator is: Jane Stettler, jstettler@krautharris.com. If you order cards for either personal use or donate we will be in touch with you to coordinate a safe way for you to pick up your cards.

13.  Elastic Needed: There are volunteers throughout the community who are working to make masks during this time for various places that need them but elastic is in short supply – if you have new elastic in your sewing box that you can donate to help this cause please contact Pastor Suloff directly at revsuloff@gmail.com.

14.  Church Office: Our church office will continue to function but it will obviously look very different for the time being as we are all going to be working remotely whenever it is possible. We will be going to the church periodically to check the mail, take care of administrative tasks that must be handled in the building, and update records. If you have a need during this time please do not hesitate to contact me directly on my cell phone or by email.

15.  Check-ins: We ask all the people of St. Peter’s to check in with one another during this time – if you have time please call or email your friends and neighbors, the person who always sits in front on you at church, or someone whose name just pops into your head. If you are aware of any needs within our community please let me know directly. During this difficult time it is of the utmost importance that we communicate with one another and take care of one another as best we can.

16.  Ideas: This is a new and different time for all of us – our church, community, nation, and world all must learn to do things differently – if you have any ideas for how we might better share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ please let me know!

17.  Prayer: Look, we all feel kind of helpless right now and it is difficult – we can, and should, be socially distant during this difficult time. We can also pray because, quite frankly, that is what we do. Our prayer list is attached to the end of this email and I would encourage you all to find a bit of time each day to pray – for our families, our communities, our doctors, our nurses, all those who serve the world during this time, and for our world. We may be separated by distance but we can be united in prayer.

18.  Finally, a word of thanks…a huge word of thanks to our choir members who recorded audio tracks for last weeks service (and are doing it again this week!) and to Bob Dungay who put all the various tracks together for our worship service – it was great to hear the voices of our choir come together once again!

Well that covers everything for now St. Peter’s – as you can see we have a lot of stuff going on! We hope that you will join us online for worship this Sunday, consider joining us for some of our online activities, support our ministries if you are able, be sure to check out the Weekday Nursery School Art Show, check-in with people, share our services and events with your friends, pray without ceasing, and as always keep sharing the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all!

Worship Bulletin - April 19

Prayer List

Facebook Tutorial

Online Events This Week!

Join us for our upcoming online events this week!!

Tuesday, April 14th at 12:30pm we will be having an open discussion group meeting on Zoom at 12:30pm (we will only be hosting one discussion group this Tuesday and will resume the evening discussion time next week). If you need assistance using Zoom please contact Pastor Suloff directly. The meeting ID for this discussion group is 735-6673-4206.

Tuesday, April 14th at 7:00pm Church Council will be holding its monthly meeting on Zoom. If you have any items you would like Council to discuss or consider please send them to Pastor Suloff.

Wednesday, April 15th at 7:30pm we will be having our weekly SPY (St. Peter’s Youth) Chat on Zoom! The meeting ID will be shared through our group chat on Wednesday.

Thursday, April 16th at 7:30pm is another “Ask the Pastor Anything!” on Facebook Live - join us for this time of discussion and bring any questions you might have for Pastor Suloff - if he can’t answer them immediately he’ll start researching and try and provide with you with an answer - can you stump the pastor? (My guess is yes, you definitely can - it’s not really difficult to do.)

Happy Saturday St. Peter's!

Easter is almost here! We may all be quarantined but the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ continues through the church, through our community, and in our homes and with that in mind let’s get right to it…

1.     Easter Online Worship: Yes, it is weird. Yes, we would all like to be gathered together at St. Peter’s on Sunday morning to celebrate the Risen Christ. No, we will not be gathering in person. We will be streaming our worship online once again on Facebook Live at 10am this Easter Sunday and then placing a link to the service recording on the church website later in the day – we hope that you’ll join us for this new way to worship! The best way that we can love and serve our neighbors as Christ calls us to do is by maintaining social distancing and being safe, even if it means doing things in a new and different way this year – so join our livestream or watch the recording when we post it to the church website and join us – we may be separated by distance but we are gathered together by the Holy Spirit no matter where we are! The worship bulletin for Sunday can also be viewed by clicking RIGHT HERE and is also attached to the end of this email. Finally, if you have friends who are not “online” much please reach out to them and offer help so that they can join our worship services and don’t forget to invite all your friends!

2.     SHARE! Don’t forget to share our worship services and upcoming events (and past events) with your friends! One of the most amazing things that has happened over the last few weeks is how we have reached people near and far – we have had local members unable to attend worship joining us for worship in this new way and we have had friends and family and people we don’t even know joining us for worship and other events from places like Connecticut, Missouri, Georgia, Oregon, California, and Indiana. This is the easiest Evangelism you will ever do – share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ – and what we are doing at St. Peter’s – with everyone you know!

3.     Need help viewing our live events? Are you having trouble viewing our worship services in real time on FaceBook Live or having trouble joining our Facebook Live chats? Never fear, thanks to Chrissy Waldron we have a handy tutorial here to help you easily access both our live events and, if you need, get on Facebook. Thanks Chrissy! You can find the tutorial RIGHT HERE.

4.     Website Updates: If you are unable to view our services live do not worry – all of our recent services are available on the church website in the STP News section and our most recent service is always displayed on the website homepage. Be sure to check the website often for services, information, devotions, and other live events that we will be sharing during this difficult time.

5.     Celebrating Communion: There is a lot of talk in church circles about whether or not to celebrate Communion through our online gatherings. To make things very simple – we will be celebrating Communion during our worship service this Easter Sunday. All you will need is some bread, crackers, chips, anything of the like and a glass of wine, juice, water, or anything of the like. I spoke about celebrating Communion during the Maundy Thursday worship service (a recording is available in the STP News section of the website) and if you have any questions about celebrating Communion remotely please do not hesitate to contact me directly at revsuloff@gmail.com.

6.     Open Discussion Groups: We will be hosting open discussion groups again this week on Tuesday at 12:30pm and 7:30pm on Zoom (zoom.us). Zoom is a relatively easy and free website to host online meetings and discussions and there are more detailed instructions on how to join one of our discussion groups on the church website and we will re-post that information prior to the meetings on Tuesday. If you have any questions about our discussion groups, have a discussion topic you’d be interested in exploring, or have any trouble accessing the discussion groups please contact me directly at revsuloff@gmail.com.

7.     Facebook Live Chat – Ask The Pastor Anything!: On Thursday I will once again be hosting a live chat on Facebook Live to “Ask the Pastor Anything!” at 7:30pm. During this time I will field as many questions as I can and if I don’t have the answer to your question I’ll work on finding it and sharing it the following week. I look forward to seeing you all again during this fun and weird way to have a chat!

8.     Online Giving and Offering: During this time we know that many are struggling and we certainly understand that but if you are able to continue with your offering please either mail your offering envelopes to the church or consider using our ONLINE GIVING option on the website – it is a quick and easy way to share your gifts with the congregation.

9.     SCRIP and Caring for the Community: As said, we know that many are struggling or will be struggling. SCRIP is a great way to support the church and help your neighbors at the same time – one of the best ways that we can help our community right now is by donating gift cards from Weis or Giant to the church so that we can distribute them to folks in needs either within our community or through the Colonial Neighborhood Council and other Social Ministry organizations. SCRIP is easy! You can increase what you give to the church by buying these cards for your daily expenses and help out your neighbors by donating cards. Groceries, gas, Home Depot, Target, Ace Hardware Stores, Amazon purchases, etc. To place orders for Scrip online go to www.ShopWithScrip.com and click “Join A Program.” Our Enrollment Code is:  DDA6EF5815851. Our Organization is: St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. Our Coordinator is: Jane Stettler, jstettler@krautharris.com. If you order cards for either personal use or donate we will be in touch with you to coordinate a safe way for you to pick up your cards.

10.  Elastic Needed: There are volunteers throughout the community who are working to make masks during this time for various places that need them but elastic is in short supply – if you have new elastic in your sewing box that you can donate to help this cause please contact Pastor Suloff directly at revsuloff@gmail.com.

11.  Church Office: Our church office will continue to function but it will obviously look very different for the time being as we are all going to be working remotely whenever it is possible. We will be going to the church periodically to check the mail, take care of administrative tasks that must be handled in the building, and update records. If you have a need during this time please do not hesitate to contact me directly on my cell phone or by email.

12.  Check-ins: We ask all the people of St. Peter’s to check in with one another during this time – if you have time please call or email your friends and neighbors, the person who always sits in front on you at church, or someone whose name just pops into your head. If you are aware of any needs within our community please let me know directly. During this difficult time it is of the utmost importance that we communicate with one another and take care of one another as best we can.

13.  Ideas: This is a new and different time for all of us – our church, community, nation, and world all must learn to do things differently – if you have any ideas for how we might better share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ please let me know!

14.  Prayer: Look, we all feel kind of helpless right now and it is difficult – we can, and should, be socially distant during this difficult time. We can also pray because, quite frankly, that is what we do. Our prayer list is attached to the end of this email and I would encourage you all to find a bit of time each day to pray – for our families, our communities, our doctors, our nurses, all those who serve the world during this time, and for our world. We may be separated by distance but we can be united in prayer.

Well that covers everything for now St. Peter’s so we hope that you are staying safe and taking care of yourselves and one another – join us for Easter worship and our other online activities coming up this week, share what we are doing with your friends, don’t forget to check the website frequently, support our ministries at St. Peter’s and help your neighbors if you are able, pray without ceasing, and as always keep sharing the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all!

Your fellow servant in Christ,

                             Pastor Suloff

Easter Sunday 2020 Bulletin

Holy Week Worship

Join us as we gather together in worship for the Great Three Days.

  • Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion: Thursday, April 9 at 7:30pm on Facebook Live


  • Good Friday Service with Plymouth Whitemarsh Ministerium: Friday, April 10 - a recording of this service will be posted to the church website midday.

  • Good Friday Tenebrae Service: Friday, April 10 at 7:30pm on Facebook LIve


  • Easter Sunday Worship with Holy Communion at 10:00am on Facebook Live


Holy Communion: We will be celebrating Holy Communion during our Worship on Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. Bound together by Christ and in grace we share in Word and Sacrament even as we gather remotely. All those who believe in the presence of the Lord at the table and with the community are invited to share in the  sacrament. Take the elements of your choosing and share them with yourself, one another in your home, and with the community remotely. If young children are present who have not yet received their First Communion please take a moment and share a blessing with them. Be the community of Christ with all those gathered near and far. All are welcome at the table of the Lord.

Holy Week Hymn Sing

Join Sam Tarasanko on Tuesday, April 7th for a Holy Week Hymn Sing on Facebook Live. Sam will be sharing some of the greatest Lenten and Holy Week Hymns found in our hymnals. A pdf with all the hymns can
be found at the end of this post so that you are able to follow along and singalong. Join us as we enter into Holy Week in song and praise!

Savior of the Nations (ELW 263) – ok, this is an Advent hymn but Sam really likes it!

Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross (ELW 335)

Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed (ELW 337)

Beneath the Cross of Jesus (ELW 338)

Go to Dark Gethsemane (ELW 347)

Ah, Holy Jesus (ELW 349)

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (ELW 351)

Were You There (ELW 353)

Happy Friday St. Peter's!

Happy Friday St. Peter's!

We hope that this email finds you well in the midst of all that is going on in the world! We may all be quarantined but the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ continues through the church, through our community, and in our homes and with that in mind let’s get right to it…

1.     Online Worship: We will be streaming our worship online once again on Facebook Live at 10am this Sunday and then placing a link to the service recording on the church website later in the day – we hope that you’ll join us for this new way to worship! We are not trying to advertise for Facebook but have found this is the easiest way for us to reach a large group of people for worship on Sunday mornings – if you are not on Facebook and need some help creating an account, if you’re having trouble finding the live stream, or have any other problems please don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll be happy to help. The worship bulletin for Sunday can also be viewed by clicking RIGHT HERE and is also attached to the end of this email. Finally, if you have friends who are not “online” much please reach out to them and offer help so that they can join our worship services and don’t forget to invite all your friends!

2.     Need help viewing our live events? Are you having trouble viewing our worship services in real time on FaceBook Live or having trouble joining our Facebook Live chats? Never fear, thanks to Chrissy Waldron we have a handy tutorial here to help you easily access both our live events and, if you need, get on Facebook. Thanks Chrissy! You can find the tutorial RIGHT HERE.

4.    Palms! We will be leaving the palms outside of the church doors following worship on Sunday. We ask that you only consider coming to pick up palms if you can do it safely and if you do come to the church to pick up palms please be observant of other people as well - if you see someone picking up palms please wait in your vehicle until they are finished. Please consider staying home and simply using something from your backyard, household plants, or a "palm" of your own making - feel free to get crafty and share your ideas!

3.     Holy Week Hymn Sing! Join Sam Tarasanko on Tuesday, April 7th for a Holy Week Hymn Sing on Facebook Live. Sam will be sharing some of the greatest Lenten and Holy Week Hymns found in our hymnals. A pdf with all the hymns can be found at the end of this post so that you are able to follow along and sing along. Join us as we enter Holy Week in song.


Savior of the Nations (ELW 263) – ok, this is an Advent hymn but Sam         really likes it!

Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross (ELW 335)

Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed (ELW 337)

Beneath the Cross of Jesus (ELW 338)

Go to Dark Gethsemane (ELW 347)

Ah, Holy Jesus (ELW 349)

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (ELW 351)

Were You There (ELW 353)

4.     Holy Week Schedule – Join us for Worship! We will be streaming our Holy Week Worship for both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday on Facebook Live at 7:30pm with recordings of the services posted to the church website shortly after. Worship bulletins will be available on the church website prior to the start of services.

5.     Celebrating Communion: There is a lot of talk in church circles about whether or not to celebrate Communion through our online gatherings. There is much to consider here and I plan to post a lengthy explanation early next week regarding this matter but to make things very simple – we will be celebrating Communion during our worship services for Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. All you will need is some bread, crackers, chips, anything of the like and a glass of wine, juice, water, or anything of the like. As I said, I will be sharing a more detailed explanation for this decision early next week and if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me directly at revsuloff@gmail.com.

6.     Open Discussion Groups and Facebook Live Chat – Ask The Pastor Anything!: These events are postponed during Holy Week but will resume Tuesday, April 14th and Thursday, April 16th.

7.     Online Giving and Offering: During this time we know that many are struggling and we certainly understand that but if you are able to continue with your offering please either mail your offering envelopes to the church or consider using our ONLINE GIVING option on the website – it is a quick and easy way to share your gifts with the congregation.

8.     SCRIP and Caring for the Community: As said, we know that many are struggling or will be struggling. SCRIP is a great way to support the church and help your neighbors at the same time – one of the best ways that we can help our community right now is by donating gift cards from Weis or Giant to the church so that we can distribute them to folks in needs either within our community or through the Colonial Neighborhood Council and other Social Ministry organizations. SCRIP is easy! You can increase what you give to the church by buying these cards for your daily expenses and help out your neighbors by donating cards. Groceries, gas, Home Depot, Target, Ace Hardware Stores, Amazon purchases, etc. To place orders for Scrip online go to www.ShopWithScrip.com and click “Join A Program.” Our Enrollment Code is:  DDA6EF5815851. Our Organization is: St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. Our Coordinator is: Jane Stettler, jstettler@krautharris.com. If you order cards for either personal use or donate we will be in touch with you to coordinate a safe way for you to pick up your cards.

9.     First Communion: During these times we obviously need to postpone many things – one of those is the First Communion Workshop that was scheduled for this weekend and receiving First Communion on Maundy Thursday. As soon as we are able to return to somewhat normal activities here at the church we will work with each family who has a child who would like to receive their First Communion to reschedule the workshop, or workshops, and arrange a date that works well for families to celebrate First Communion.

10.  Elastic Needed: There are volunteers throughout the community who are working to make masks during this time for various places that need them but elastic is in short supply – if you have new elastic in your sewing box that you can donate to help this cause please contact Pastor Suloff directly at revsuloff@gmail.com.

11.  Church Office: Our church office will continue to function but it will obviously look very different for the time being as we are all going to be working remotely whenever it is possible. We will be going to the church periodically to check the mail, take care of administrative tasks that must be handled in the building, and update records. If you have a need during this time please do not hesitate to contact me directly on my cell phone or by email.

12.  Check-ins: We ask all the people of St. Peter’s to check in with one another during this time – if you have time please call or email your friends and neighbors, the person who always sits in front on you at church, or someone whose name just pops into your head. If you are aware of any needs within our community please let me know directly. During this difficult time it is of the utmost importance that we communicate with one another and take care of one another as best we can.

13.  Website: We will be using the church website (www.stpeterslafayettehill.org) and our Facebook page as our primary means of daily communication for the foreseeable future – please check the website frequently and please share information with others in the community and beyond.

14.  Ideas: This is a new and different time for all of us – our church, community, nation, and world all must learn to do things differently – if you have any ideas for how we might better share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ please let me know!

15.  Prayer: Look, we all feel kind of helpless right now and it is difficult – we can, and should, be socially distant during this difficult time. We can also pray because, quite frankly, that is what we do. Our prayer list is attached to the end of this email and I would encourage you all to find a bit of time each day to pray – for our families, our communities, our doctors, our nurses, all those who serve the world during this time, and for our world. We may be separated by distance but we can be united in prayer.

Well that covers everything for now St. Peter’s so we hope that you are staying safe and taking care of yourselves and one another – join us for worship and our other online activities, don’t forget to check the website frequently, support our ministries at St. Peter’s and help your neighbors if you are able, pray without ceasing, and as always keep sharing the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all!

Your fellow servant in Christ,

                             Pastor Suloff

SPY Chat Tonight - Wed. April 1, at 7:30pm!!

SPY (St. Peter's Youth) Chat!

Calling all St. Peter’s Youth! Join us on Zoom on Wednesday, April 1 at 7:30pm for a chat and check-in - if you need any help using Zoom or have any questions please contact Pastor Suloff.

  1. Go to zoom.us and either create a free account or simply click “Join A Meeting”. If you choose to create an account simply click on “Join A Meeting” after completed the setup process.

  2. To join the meeting enter the meeting code:

    7:30pm meeting: 163-931-039

  3. If you log-in prior to either meeting you will be placed in the “waiting room” until the meeting start time. Once the meeting begins you will enter the “meeting room” screen and be able to see and hear other participants. You can choose to do audio only if you like. If you enter the
    room and do not see a video of yourself simply click the allow video button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

  4. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom I would suggest going to the website and trying to set-up your account or familiarize yourself with the website prior to the meeting if you have time. If you have any questions or need any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will do my best
    to assist you. The meeting will last a maximum of 40 minutes.