Frequently Asked Questions

 What is St. Peter’s like?

St. Peter’s mission is to share the life, love, and joy of Jesus Christ with all people. As a congregation we focus a great deal on four primary areas: Fellowship, Worship & Music, Service, and Children, Youth, and Family Ministries. St. Peter’s uses a fairly traditional style of worship while also maintaining a relaxed environment for people of all ages (the pastor tells a lot of bad jokes too). As we grow in our faith together questions and open discussion is always most welcome. At St. Peter’s we are a community that welcomes all people no matter where they may be in their journey of faith. 

I’m not a member of St. Peters. Can I still come to the Worship Services on Sunday?

Absolutely!  We welcome everyone to come enjoy worship with us. Worship Services are held at 8:30am and 10am every Sunday. Our Chancel Choir shares their song and praise primarily at the 10am worship service and our various musical ensembles share their song and praise at both services. Communion is offered at each service, every Sunday – all who believe in the presence of the Lord are welcome at the table of the Lord, children who have not yet received their First Communion are welcome to come forward for a blessing. Coffee Hour is held between services and following the 10am service in the chapel next to the sanctuary.

What ages should children go to Sunday School?

St. Peters offers Sunday School at the 10am service.  There are two groups for Sunday School (SS) – Pre-K (4) to 2nd grade and 3rd grade to 6th grade.  We cover traditional bible stories, like Noah’s Ark and Jesus’ Baptism, while incorporating crafts and games for the younger kids and some service projects for the older kids.  Children will be dismissed to SS after Pastor Suloff’s Children’s Chat; all children meet the teachers in the Chapel and are then escorted to their classrooms. Children will be brought back to the chapel between 11am-11:15am. SS teachers are all volunteers who have submitted their child abuse and criminal background checks to the church office. No snacks are provided during SS, as to not interfere with allergies; but please feel welcome to help yourself & your little ones to snacks in the chapel after your children are finished with SS. If you have any Sunday School specific questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Chrissy Waldron @

I have a child too young for Sunday School, but I’d love to listen to the sermon.  Help?

St. Peters offers babysitting in the toddler room during the 10am service. A first aid and CPR certified teacher is available from 9:50am to 11am each Sunday to watch your little ones. Simply take your child to the Toddler Room on the middle level (next to the elevator). 

I’m not ready for my child to leave me to go to Sunday School or babysitting, but I want to come to Worship.  

OK, so that’s not really a question – but we have answers!  Busy Bags are available for children in the Narthex when you enter; Busy Bags contain coloring pages & crayons, puzzles and maze games. Grab a bag when you come in & let your little one enjoy themselves with church themed entertainment.

Chapel listening is also available should you need it too. There is a speaker in the chapel that will carry the worship service for your convenience, in case you need to step out of the sanctuary for any reason. The chapel is located to the left of the Sanctuary where Mother’s Day Tea is held.  Added bonus: that’s where we keep the coffee and snacks too!

What is Coffee Hour?

St. Peters offers coffee and various snacks each Sunday in the Chapel between the 8:30am service and the 10am service and also following the 10am service. Everyone is encouraged to stop in and have a little snack and fellowship. Tables are available to make yourself comfortable & enjoy your time here.

I love St. Peter’s – how do I become a member?

We would love to have you be a part of this community!  To become a member, please contact Pastor Suloff or the church office. Becoming a member is really quite easy, simply contact the pastor or the office and we’ll set up a meeting for your family with the pastor to discuss the church, answer any questions you might have, learn about you and your interests, and get you connected with any groups or ministries in which you might be interested. Once we have our meeting we will find a Sunday that is convenient for you and welcome you to St. Peter’s during the worship service.

I’d like to have my child baptized. Can St. Peter’s help, even if I’m not a member?

For sure! If you would like to have your child baptized simply contact the church office or Pastor Suloff to set up a time to meet. When we meet we will discuss what baptism is and what baptism means and we will also talk about what the baptismal service will look like. Baptisms take place during a regular church service and the church will work with you on a date that works best for you and your family. Pews will be reserved for your guests so everyone can be up close to the baptism as well. Fellowship Hall (aka the Nursery School gym), which is equipped with a full kitchen and bathrooms on the mid-level, is also available to rent for luncheon/receptions. Contact the church office or Pastor Suloff for more information.

Can St. Peter’s help my child make their first Holy Communion?

Of course we can. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America states that First Holy Communion should “be offered at 5th grade, or whenever the parent feels appropriate.” If you have a child in 5th grade or older who has not yet received their First Communion, or if you have a younger child and would like them to receive their First Communion, you can register for the First Communion Worship which is held each spring prior to Holy Week (registration forms will be available closer to the date of the workshop or you can contact the church office). The workshop is generally held on a Saturday in late March from 10am until approximately 11:30am and is led by Pastor Suloff. If you have any questions about whether your child should begin receiving Communion, about the workshop, or would like to arrange a different time for First Communion please speak with the Pastor Suloff. 

I have children older than Sunday School age.  How can they be involved?

St. Peter’s has a very active Youth Group for 7th through 12th graders.  The St. Peter’s Youth (SPY) meets twice each month to discuss upcoming events & activities and to encourage a strong tie to their faith and one another. SPY hosts events like Parents Night Out and various food sales, such as Easter Treats & hoagie sales on Souper Bowl Sunday. St. Peter’s has recently taken on a large project to invest in our youth – a room specifically for SPY has been constructed just for them! If your teen has questions about SPY, please contact the church office.

SPY sounds amazing, but my child isn’t in 7th grade yet.  Is there anything like this for a younger group?

Funny you ask – St. Peter’s is developing a Junior SPY right now! This fall we will be starting a new group for our 3rd through 6th grade students. Junior SPY will be an opportunity for our young people to begin building bonds of fellowship and friendship while also growing in the church community. The group will pair up with our SPY students as buddies and will also have opportunities to create and build their own events and programs. We will be scheduling an introductory meeting for Junior SPY in late September - more information will be available in upcoming Sunday announcements, the weekly email, and on the church website.

 I’m interested in Confirmation Class for my child.  Where can I find more information?

At the time of Baptism, promises were made to “see to teach them the creed, the 10 Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer and to see to their instruction in the Christian Faith.” We help you fulfill these promises through our Catechism Program. It is a two year program, taught by Pastor Suloff, for youth 7th grade or above. Classes will be held following the 10am worship service for 45 minutes every other Sunday. Our Confirmation Class will begin on Sunday, September 29th with a gathering for both students and parents following the 10am worship service to provide an overview of the Confirmation Program and answer questions. If you have a member of your family who should be a part of the Catechism Program, please contact Pastor Suloff or the church office.

I’d love to get involved with St. Peter’s – what can I do?

St. Peter’s has several active ministries & committees and all welcome everyone to be involved!  Groups include:  Communications, Social Ministry, Children Youth & Family, Stewardship, Worship & Music, Evangelism, Mutual Ministry, Cemetery Committee, Security/Safety, Property Committee, Prayer Ministry, Altar Guild and The Vine. More information about our various ministry groups can be found on our website, monthly newsletter, by contacting Pastor.   

Love music!  Is there any way I can be involved?

Sam Tarasenko, our Director of Music, would love to talk to you!  Between the Chancel Choir, Early Music Singers, Bell’s Angels (handbells), Men’s Quartet and other groups in development, there are lots of opportunities to get involved. We often have people perform during service, so if you have a special musical talent, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sam at Sam is also bringing many musical events to St. Peter’s, including opera and cabaret. Keep an eye out for upcoming performances – flyers can often be seen throughout the church and additional information can be found on the church website! Also be sure to check out the St. Peter’s Facebook page as we often have videos of our various musical groups posted!

What kinds of events are coming up throughout the school year that my family could attend?

There are lots of events that are family-centric – and we’d love for you to come join us for all of them! Trunk or Treat (indoor), Snacks with Santa, our Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, and Church Picnic are all annual events that are already on our calendar. We also have various other activities like Movie Nights, Karaoke Night and a few Parents Night Out evenings that are scheduled throughout the year as well.  Events will be posted on the bulletin board, the St. Peter’s website and Facebook page and will be shared to the Nursery School Facebook page as well.  Be sure to grab a flier as our events are advertised!  All events are open to the public, so bring a friend or two!